
Lonely Canyon


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 27, 2024

We awoke to the sore body of an OFM who lost an ass kicking contest to a stair. The three bloody spots were not a trouble at all but all the joints in this body hurt, no make that HURT. We are functional alright but definitely will not challenge that staircase to a rematch.

So how did the rest of the day go. Just fine as long as the OFM moved very slow and careful. Since we were out of a couple of important food items we used a trip to Walmart Grocery as an excuse to get out of the Castle and gently walk around slowly. Eventually the OFM body loosened up enough to function decently in first gear. We stayed out of bed rest position until about 1600 when more ibuprofen and a thirty minute nap was taken. It turned out to be a good choice and we are doing pretty well tonight.

We spent a lot of rest time working on and finishing our latest coloring project named LONELY CANYON. The coloring book page got lots of little add on touches from the OFM to lean it towards more of what we wanted the finished product to be like. The OFM is not the artist of the work but he is definitely the modifier of it to create a mood he wants it to establish. The color scheme and finishing is definitely by the OFM otherwise known as BWARD.

We have rain storms again tonight, So we researched on the internet and found out we have precipitation on one third of the days in a year in Decatur. No wonder the OFM is tired of the rain.

So good night every one and do not challenge staircases to combat.


  1. Hi Barney, your picture is very nice it brings back memories of the desert. Staircases are like curbs and tree roots nothing to mess with. I was glad to hear you went to the Grands performance I know you are very proud of them and with good reason. Take care friend and have a great day.

  2. Wow, you really did a great job creating "mood" in your painting. I'm always amazed at your talent. Sorry you had a trip and fall, no fun at all. Linda
