
Rain Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 24, 2024

It was drizzling all morning gently but still too much for decent walking so we stayed at the Castle and piddled. This left the OFM to fiddling with our aftermarket added insulation that was/is getting a bit ragged. Then we spent a lot of time thinking about our future locations. Last winter here in Decatur we only had three days that we even needed a coat. That was three days in January when it just got to freezing in the early morning and was good sweater time for the rest of the day. We really noticed how nice it was to have South Texas winter weather in January again. We feel like we are through with having freezing weather in the winter when you don't have to. So now we have a goal of looking up winter temps near the Gulf of Mexico to choose where we will winter this year. It is really feeling like the OFM's 77th winter will be his last up here with any freezing weather. We start year 78 for the OFM in a couple of weeks and it is time for adjustments in our winter locations we believe. So now we have to get busy plotting camping travels that will be warm enough to keep the OFM happy all winter. The OLD in OFM is beginning to have stronger preferences for staying warmer in the winter time. It is already known that we will be south of I-20 for the winter and a good chance we will be south of I-10 also.

Perhaps tomorrow we will have something more to talk about than the weather like maybe the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.


  1. The Rio Grande Valley of Texas sounds like a good winter spot. Are you finding that you have to make reservations further in advance than past years? Like the idea of "south of I-10".

    1. I only make reservations a couple of times a year at critical places. And for those spots I make them for about a week in advance. My saving feature is staying very flexible on when I arrive. Usually I can use any spot available in a two week time period.

  2. I am now a fan of Florida winters, well central-lower Florida anyway where the warm winters are :-)

  3. OFM, regarding your perennial camper leaks. A local company [in MN] (I do not know them nor have ever used them, and with no personal interest involved) advertised they could put a flexible plastic roof on campers, etc. guaranteed not to leak for five years for about $500. Might be something to look around for. And I do enjoy your posts & artwork. Don McCollor.
