
Surprise Progress


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 13, 2024

After a night of several up and downs we finally got up about 0800 for breakfast and did not feel just “right” so the walk was put off. Sure enough about an hour later the right knee was swollen and painful. There is not a mark on the knee nor any other indication of why the knee is swollen. However the body's nerve system is convinced the knee has an injury so we have to behave today. Even gentle walking is not pain free.

But we HAD to get up and move around so after lunch we went to Walmart to do some very gentle walking with the sore knee. It seemed to be the right thing to do as the knee slowly loosened up and the pain eased a large amount but tonight is back to noticeable but the swelling is gone! And the OFM cannot recall a single thing to have caused it.

Inside Walmart they were busy setting up the getting rid of summer stuff and bringing in the fall stuff. The OFM found several items he was thinking of buying when it dawned on him that an inventory of what do we have, should be done before we do any more purchasing of things. Then we had the intelligent thought that maybe we ought to inventory our medical supplies while we are at it to bring those supplies up to full strength. So tomorrow morning we plan to give the knee a gentle workout climbing around inside the Castle checking on all our supplies that we will need to have with us when we finally get to roll out of here.

Some how we managed to turn a lost day from an injury into a productive day of making a travel get ready plan happen. That is amazing isn't it.

We hope everyone else has had a good day also. Good night.


  1. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.
    I made a Working Spreadsheet for when we travel. I calculate the number of days before our return, and it shows how many more we'll need to complete our trip with all our supplies.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
