
Total Loss and Mexican Stoup


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 17, 2024

Not a lot of anything exciting today. Got in decent 2 mile walk with nothing exciting on it. Spent most of the day just piddling and visiting folks. Then tonight we cooked some chicken chunks and blended them with a Knorr packet of Mexican rice and spices for a large pot of stoup for about four meals in the freezer.

We happened to get to visit with the contractor that is supposed to haul out the RV that got to close to the tree. He is thinking it will have to be cut into smaller chunks to put it on a flatbed trailer to get it down the highway legally. He said it took the insurance claims guy about three minutes looking at the photos to declare it a total loss. Now all that there is to do is get it out of here so they can quit paying rent on the site.

That is it for tonight. It has been a very calm day today and that was a good thing.


  1. Hi Barney, Mexican stoup sounds tasty just add your chicken great meals I am sure. The RV removal sounds interesting please keep us readers up to date on this project if you can. Thanks and have a great day.

    1. Thanks for the comment. The RV removal is on my pay attention list for me also. Most of those Knorr mixes make very good meals when I add my meat of choice. They are a second choice item without the meat for me.
