
Trail Underbrush Maintenance


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 12, 2024

It was another nice day today as the start of the walk will show you. We did not even bother to check our mileage today, just enjoyed the beautiful weather before it got hot about noon.

This picture of a crepe myrtle is typical of the blooming along the trails at places. The great blue sky went well with the bright flowers of the plants we feel.

As we went on along the trail we came to where the maintenance fellow was closing this portion of the trail for more underbrush cleaning out. He and the OFM discussed some ideas to make the trail even better than he was already doing and he is doing a great job. He even figured out a way to dangle angle his mower over the edge of the creek bank to knock down some of the profuse growth out over the water and he gets to remain safe up on the bank. The OFM thanked him a bunch for his efforts to help us enjoy the park.

The rest of the day was piddle here and twiddle there and plan how we will have the Castle set up when we roll again after over a year of sitting still in one location. It has actually over 13 months in this spot with all the repairs to trailer, truck and human body that have been done.

We got to see several videos of damage down in Rockport Tx this afternoon done by Beryl. In viewing them we got to see LOTS of nice changes the folks of the Corpus Christi area have been doing to the place. We put a swing by that area back into the itinerary to consider when we get rolled. Things like this are one of the reasons we do not like making reservations way ahead of time.

It is time to shut down and rest for the night so tomorrow we can try to have tooooo much fun again.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like and easy day that ended being tooooo much fun.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
