
Nice Weather Today


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 18, 2024

The day was a big surprise. It was only 82F instead of 93F like the recent days. And there was a nice gentle breeze to make it feel even better. At the start of the paved walk path the scenery was nice with the vegetation looking good in-spite of all the bad weather a couple of days ago.

We were really enjoying the nice weather and greenery all around us as we ambled on down the pathway that goes around the golf course. The gold course does bring back some good memories from when the OFM could still play golf. Falling has put an end to swinging golf clubs in this old body.

As we followed the path on to head back behind the golf course the trees close in close to the pathway and in a few places fallen trees have been cut away from the pathway and some artist in the area paints faces on them for us walkers enjoyment. This one is about four years old and was getting ragged. Apparently after our walk yesterday the painter was out here redoing the art work. It ia pretty cute in person.

Since we are having hip joint troubles we headed back at the one mile mark. Then later in the day we do another walk on one of the other locations in the park. This one was down by Flint Creek because the clouds and sky was putting on a big show. By the time we made it down to the waterfront most of the clouds show was over but here is what we did get in one of our attempts.

It was a lot nicer about 20 minutes ago before we got to the creek.

The summer here is nearly over for the Alabama school kids. The Alabama public schools start back in thirteen days. We are still hoping to roll out around September 15 if it is cool enough to be comfortable. Head south to Birmingham, turn west on I-20 and stop when we get somewhere.



  1. Those crepe myrtles look so stately along the path. Glad you got a bit of cooler temps. Linda

  2. Glad you are still able to get your exercise in. If too much Arthritis settles in the Hip, you may need a replacement. I'll document my journey.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.
