
Lazing Along Land


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 11, 2024

Nothing special happened today. The most important thing is Sierra is running like it is supposed to. Probably better than it has in a couple of months. Some little tuning items must have been needing a touch up as well. That is a nice unexpected event.

The OFM health walking is making a difference lately. The OFM started walking some additional shorter routes during the day around the park. Such as taking smaller bags of trash to the dumpsters instead of one big bulky one. Today that gave the OFM two shorter walks of about a half mile each. The best part is we got to visit a few more folks on those walks. And that is nice to do in this campground.

And a really nice happening is we once again took a timer controlled short thirty minute nap right after lunch and wow did that little rest break feel good the rest of the day.

The weather here is pretty warm but not miserably hot. So if you are a bit careful about it you can piddle around outside in your “yard” or down by the Creeks or along the Tennessee River and still have a nice time in the morning or evening. That's about it out here in lazing along land.  The OFM.


  1. Replies
    1. Been a while since I last heard that old saying. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. That's something we all have to learn to do, as a way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
