
More New Engine Wiring


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 10, 2024

We got Sierra into the dealer shop first thing this morning and they returned a well finished job about 1400 hours. So it made my day seem like nice flowers were surrounding us.

The tree rats had screwed up lots of wiring that had to be replaced so the job took a good while. The final cost was $1100 parts and labor. Tree rats are not my friends. They are also what ruined our trailer AC a couple of months ago to the tune of $1400.

Most of the day was spent piddling on the computer or gossiping with strolling neighbors around the campground. Actually it was a fairly relaxing day.

But we have the Castle and Sierra back into ready to get ready to roll shape. We will soon have some little things finished on the OFM body so we are looking good for Sep 15 rolling west. Now we need to plan something of a general itinerary to consider traveling. That is proving to be the most difficult thing to make choices about now.

So everyone relax and have tooooo much fun if you can.


  1. In the desert, it's the Pack Rats that chew up the wiring. If you get strings of programable solar lights, set them to Flash mode, it scares the rodents away and is cheaper than repairs.
    Be Safe and Enjoy having tooooo much fun.

    It's about time.

  2. Glad to hear your truck is running right again, as we full- timers know there's very little worse than our main mode of transportation being broken or untrustworthy.

    Here's the latest I can find on the New Mexico State Parks fee schedule debacle, and I'm not seeing any good news in it. But it does look like it won't go into effect until the beginning of next year, so if you buy your annual pass before then at least you'll be good to go for the remainder of 2024 and part of 2025.... I think?


  3. Think I would look for a repair shop that knows the difference between chewed wires and a bad transmission. Just sayin'
