
Flowers and Grapes


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 28, 2024

The morning was a surprise with the lack of pain from the OFM fall. He was very careful today to not do another stupid fall while out on the trail. We started slow with plans just to get to the dumpsters and back. The day was not looking too good either.

However the OFM noticed he was responding to the walking rather well so we just kept on walking gently. When we got to the back of the campground we noticed the new changes back to the old route were completed. The trail had had a reroute so they could do a major rework of the area about a year ago. It is finished now so we were feeling good enough to try out the new “old section” again. It was well done. It gives the OFM a nice loop with no back tracking of a hint over two miles for a morning walk all on surfaced walking so we will not have to dodge mud holes any more. That will be nice.

We did notice that once again lots of limbs are knocked out of the trees. Big and smaller limbs were scattered along the trail this morning. We gues the underbrush clearing must have allowed higher speed winds to get to the trees away from the shore line and rough them up.

Even though the OFM had a good walk he chose to take it physically easy on himself today. So we spent most of the day getting going on a new coloring. This is another flowers picture with some new twists the OFM is putting into it. Some time in the afternoon the OFM got hungry and looked into the refrigerator. Oh WOW grapes calling him.

In that pic above you can see part of the new art work in progress. It is proving to be an interesting effort with a bit of a new style of coloring technique we are trying. We will explain when it is finished what we are trying this time.

In the mean time we are planning on doing some more good and fast healing of this Old Body.

That is all for tonight. Sleep Well.

1 comment:

  1. Slow walks and good food help the Artwork be like having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the slower pace.

    It's about time.
