
July 4 Big Party


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 3, 2024

We are late tonight and all day also. So here is rhe report on part of the action today.

It was my grand daughter's birthday so the OFM Team had to go over to their place to deliver a nice birthday present and visit for a bit. It was a wonderful visit for sure. Then they had chickens to catch and The OFM had other chores to do. And a scattering we did go.

Decatur Alabama has a huge July 4 whiz bang of an all day and into the night party out at the big park where the campground is located. So park preparations have been going on all day. This is the soccer field when we went for a short walk this morning.

We have no idea what they are setting up but the OFM will likely find out tomorrow. But it is supposed to be hot as all get out tomorrow and of course humid with all the swamp areas here. In fact it was pretty hot today. Check out this slough that us actually inside the park nearby.

On the home front we have the latest coloring to show. Fuchsia was completed in early afternoon today so the colored pencil work is still wet.

We hope every one enjoys it.

We expect tomorrow through the weekend to be a very busy time in the park and next Monday will be very welcome for resting. Have Fun.


Using A Heat Index Chart


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 2, 2024

This morning we got out the Heat Index chart to check the conditions before we headed out for a walk. We went out the gravel trail planning on it being barely acceptable according to the Heat Index chart and it was right on the button correct. So we took it a bit easy speed wise and made about two miles and that was enough.

Most of the rest of the day was coloring the nearly finished art work. When we finished it we made photos of it to show in tonight's blog. However when we were reviewing the photos of the coloring we had taken, the choice was made to make a significant change to the coloring. The bird just did not come out right so it is do over time for that portion of the coloring. Tomorrow we will be erasing and improving the coloring. The OFM may not be a great colorist but he certainly can be conscientious about his efforts.

Our guess is that we are back to a week or so to improve the coloring to minimum standards we require for our colorings.

Then this evening we got to visit some folks we have not visited for a couple of weeks. The conversation lasted a good while until the biting bugs came out for supper off the OFM.

At least now the OFM has three ideas for full fledged paintings to attempt after the current coloring is published. That means DRAWING and coloring for a change.

Every one be careful about the the serious heat and humidity and stay safe.


Miserable Migraine Attack Today


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: July 1, 2024

The OFM woke this morning feeling rancid at best. All plans were put on hold as we attempted to figure out what was wrong. Finally around 1030 this morning we realized it was a severe migraine making nothing seem right. So we kicked back and was very lazy while the OFM recovered from the misery. About 1500 the OFM started to function a bit better so we were finally on recovery mode. We do not even recall what went on during the morning or early afternoon. It was a rough migraine for sure. But along about 1600 we quickly recovered about 85 percent and were able to start doing things again. And now at 1900 we are doing


Our delayed new coloring book arrived today and it turns out to look like it will be a big challenge. The last few colorings took us about 2 to 3 months each to color. This new one looks like it will provide lots of challenges and a huge amount of fun.

With some good rest tonight we should be back in decent getting around shape by tomorrow morning. Maybe even get in a nice walk in the morning, Good night.