Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Wild Flowers Coloring


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 4-1-2023

Today was incredibly busy with art and photo taking. As far as the art is concerned the OFM decided to go ahead and publish WILD FLOWERS for the world to see. If things go as planned it will be the last of the coloring book colorings we have to publish. This one took about five times the time as the longest of the others and still the lesser grade of paper than we will be using for all the originals of the future held back the brilliance of the colors. The OFM Teams have proved to the OFM that the quality of the paper makes a huge difference in the quality of the painting. The pencils and water color pencils were all professional quality but the paper is low quality art paper. So enjoy the latest coloring for what it is worth and the teams plan to improve in all the future work. In fact we have a painting in progress starting today.

The morning started with salad makings shopping that was a big success. Now we can enjoy some nice lunches and suppers in the Castle listening to some peace and quiet for a change. The restaurants around here seem to like to have loud “music” playing while the teams eat.

A quick check of the fender caulk yielded three spots needing a bit of touch up before we attempt the painting of the white caulk to match the fender color. So that will need to cure about three days before the painting can be done safely.

We met a very nice couple at the marina this evening after supper and talked until it was nearly night fall. They now know about The OFM Adventures blog. We had a few things in common like grand kids and fishing and art so the OFM kept on running his mouth until it was nearly too late. But he made it just in time to grab this sunset for everyone to enjoy.

The stories for the blog about neat things around here have piled up a bit. The new to us trails are particularity important to get published since both of them are very nice. So it is important to get plenty of rest to be fresh and ready for trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I so agree with you about the noise. In restaurants, our local Walmart, Sam's. It has become so bad that I always carry those rubber earplugs in my purse. Many times, having those available has prevented me from leaving a place. Also. Great color job. And. When I saw that sunset photo, I looked for your name on it. That is as much art as the flowers. And you should take credit for it! Wouldn't want to see it for sale somewhere.

  2. The paper affects the color? I would not have guessed that but I'm not an artist either. That is a good sunset photo!

    1. Thank you for your comment. As far as the paper is concerned I tend to think of the paper as like painting smooth wood vs fresh wood shingles vs a paper towel. You need the correct surface for the type of medium you are applying to get the effect you are trying to achieve.

  3. It may have taken longer to do but the picture looks like you had tooooo much fun doing it.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
