Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Bottle Nose Dolphin


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 4-3-2023

We woke to sore knees this morning. So we got moving at a gentle speed. Walking was broken up into three episodes to allow more rest between the exercise periods. It seemed to help.

On one of the walks we were near the saltwater swimming area next to the Allegro Channel. The local family of bottle nose Dolphins showed up and we were really glad to see them. It means there is food in the water (fish) for them and the OFM Fishing Team.

The Dolphin were very active chasing things all over the place. We took a nice rest on a bench to enjoy the show. By the way here is a great article on them that is really worth reading.

It does take a while to read it all.

Basically that covers all our main activities today. We are doing much better with the knees tonight and hope tomorrow will be a much better day for activities and trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Walking and thinking about fishing, sounds like a good day!
