Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Damaged Foot Mess


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 4-19-2023

We had a whole different day than we were planning for when we went to sleep last night. The right forefoot apparently got damaged during the day yesterday and today it proved to be a major interference for the Teams. Apparently the OFM jammed his right foot big toe and next two toes pretty substantially somewhere yesterday. It has been painful, bright pink and fairly swollen at times today.

Exercise walking is out of the question for now. Just getting to the truck and into stores has been the limit of our mobility. No bones seem to be broken but it feels like a lot of bruising and hyper-extension has happened. We are hoping that recovery is quick and complete.

In the meanwhile the OFM tried his luck with bait fishing again with no luck and bored to pieces with that type of fishing. So we emptied what little stuff for bait fishing we had left out of our tackle box and now we will stick with lure fishing. We don't catch any more fish but at least the OFM gets to run around while fishing. This also means we have simplified our life a good bit more again.

For the last few months we have been having a lot of pain in our joints like we had years ago. So today we stopped at Walmart and bought some glucosamine tablets to use again for the old leg joints. We will see if they work as well as last time we were recovering from joint damage.

And last for tonight we decided that we once again want to display our art work in the Castle. So we are working up how to do that. Here is one guess to put them on the wall behind the dinette seat.

We will have to work with this a bit yet. Whatever we do needs to handle road travel without getting damaged and be ready for travel very quickly.

We hope everyone has a good day tomorrow. We plan to hurry the healing so we can run around having tooooo much fun again.


  1. It definitely looks like more than a sprain, with all that swelling.
    If you plan to display your Artwork in the Castle, use Velcro. We found it handles the Road Vibration without damaging the walls.
    Until your foot better heals maybe working on the Pictures. moght be a better way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy relaxing.

    It's about time.

  2. I would wonder if something bit you. Seems like it would be more bruised if you banged it. Between my Old Man and me, we have had several rounds of swelling--- His when he was stuck with a holly leaf, and that led to cellulitis, and me when I was bitten by wasps or yellow jackets twice within a couple of days. Do take care and seek advice if the swelling doesn't get better quickly. Your art is beautiful. I believe I used velcro to hang some small pictures on our Class C walls. It's been a long time; fuzzy memories. Hoping for a better tomorrow for you!

    1. yep I will be trying velcro. It is a sad fact that cellulitis and the OFM have had several incidents in the last 16 years on the road. Thanks for the reminder since I had totally forgotten about it.
