Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Rough Water Morning


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 4-21-2023

First the foot report. The right foot is doing very well and we did some exercise walking in short sessions several times today. Our plan was to do a lot of pier/bank fishing today to give the foot a chance to be flexed frequently but not strained. It seemed to work well with that plan.

The winds were very high starting this morning making the shoreline fishing pretty messy. The bulkhead near the marina was getting waves over it frequently so we could not comfortably fish there. But by afternoon the winds had calmed so we did get in some fishing and one catch. Here is a picture of the bulkhead this evening when we caught the palm sized piggy perch. It had been most of the morning and afternoon getting wave tops washing across the concrete making fishing just not really feasible.

The after dinner drive into the beach park just to look around and rest the OFM Foot was pleasant and gently breezy. Little Bay was gently ruffled and making the sunlight reflections interesting.

When the mosquitoes got busy mosquitoeing we chose to leave and head indoors at the Castle.

So there you have a gentle day of fishing and just plain old living a nice life with good Mexican food and chicken fried steak to eat.

Some day soon is Nautical Weekend and the whole marina and beach area is crowded to worse than sardine can level so we have to find out soon when it is and make plans for us to be elsewhere at that time.

This was a nice day of being gentle on the rehab of the foot and moving around trying to have tooooo much gentle fun all over the town.


  1. Sounds pretty good and glad to hear the foot was pampered a bit.

    1. I think that the foot will need a few more gentle days of pampering. My ancient body is healing slower these days than even a year ago.
