Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Hot Body Day


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today Date: 4-25-2023

We were doing a lot of napping this morning so we went out for a marina area walk and ran into old friend Tim and his fantastic pup Gabby. We visited and walked the area where pups are allowed so Gabby could get in some fun too. But the OFM did not do well health wise. When we got back to the Castle the OFM pulled out an oral thermometer and took his temperature. No wonder he was feeling bad. His temperature was 102.5F. So we took immediate action with Ibuprofen and horizontal attitude. Several hours later he was feeling less miserable but still took it easy around the trailer.

A bit before sunset time we got our sunset hunting clothes on to go see what we were going to get this evening down at the beach park. Not much but here is what Mom Nature gave us for a sunset today.

And there you have our big exciting day today of fighting body fever with no idea of why we had it.

But we plan to be back at it tomorrow trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Sounds like you've got an infection somewhere. That's not an ignorable temp. I think. But I'm not a medical person. Hope it goes away and stays gone.

  2. I hooe you have a better day Wednesday. That high a fever out of the blue is cause for alarm. Will be anxiously watching for your report tomorrow! Take care of you.

  3. Hope you're feeling better today! Froggi hugs headed your way...

    Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
    DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
    My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White

    1. Yes mam I am doing better but still a ways to go it feels. Thank you.

  4. Hopefully you have your flu and pneumonia shot. Thinking good cool karma thoughts for you.
