


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 5-14-2022

We had a great brisk walk again this morning but there were no pictures waiting to be taken. The rest of the morning was a fuzzy blur of no memory. Then the usual Whataburger with Senior Drink for lunch.

The traffic coming into town was way too much so we went back to the Castle and had a wonderful afternoon cataloging photos from the stockpile on the memory card. The result of that bit of work is a file named “maybe paintings”. We decided on a part of one of the pictures to be the inspiration for a new painting. The OFM spent a bunch of the day just working out how we want the painting to look and what colors to be where. It was a great time coming up with so many different possibilities.

Our mail for the last month came in with the Income Tax refund check in it. Now we can afford to buy a half tank of gas for Sierra.

Nothing is planned for the next few days so the OFM could get into all sorts of trouble while trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Getting inspiration for future paintings is always a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Our Income Tax Refund only bought lunch.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Good. You've got a new painting in the works. Keep on....keeping on. You do some good stuff.
    It's hard when you are deprived of a friend as you were yesterday. The older we get.......the more often it happens!
