
Another Great day


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 5-27-2022

Call the OFM healed from the migraine. It was a wonderful feeling to have as the Teams headed out to see what is happening on this the first day of the hordes arrivals. And they were arriving.

After some gentle meandering around the harbor area and getting a feel for the upcoming crowds we went to the Municipal Park and got in a very nice walk of the normal 1.5 miles. It was just warm enough to get a bit of a sweat happening but not a soaking wet one like later in the day would have been.

Then back to the harbor area to get in some bumming around. The rock fishing pier caught our attention with the nearly clear water and the fishing equipment had trouble keeping up with the OFM headed out on the pier.

A lot of casting and lure changing and visiting with the tourists just getting into town made the pier fishing fun in spite of the fish not biting.

From there we headed out into the Beach Park to see what else. Well the weather was excellent so the kayakers were out in Little Bay trying to intercept some fish to take home. Here is one of them that was nearer to where we pulled over.

On the way back out of the area we saw one of the local fly fishermen walking the back on the hunt. If we recall correctly he is usually chasing red fish near the grass beds. We have never gotten to talk to him but be assured we will intercept him back at the parking lot some day.

After lunch we spent some time cleaning out more things from the Castle and Sierra that are not relevant anymore due to OFM aging. No use keeping things around that a person will not be using again. And most of all was a wonderful and restful afternoon NAP.

As the roads and area filled with holiday weekend folks the OFM spent a wonderful study time on art subjects and culling out art stuff we likely will not need again. So today's big accomplishment was the Castle got lighter and the waste container got fuller and heavier.

Then a nice meal of chicken salad and cole slaw for supper proved to fit in just right. And here we are finishing the blog entry on time for a change and thinking about the ways for us to be busy trying to have tooooo much fun again tomorrow.


  1. Definitely a busy day of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Ah. Clearing out stuff. We've all got too much. I sure do. But if its in a closet, out of sight, out of mind. Until I open a closet. Glad you are feeling better.
