Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


New Palm Growth


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 4-9-2022

Click the pic to enlarge.

We cannot for the life of the Teams figure out how so many leaders can get tangled on a mooring line five feet from the bulkhead.

The mess of leaders is about five feet from the bulkhead you stand on to fish to the left of the piling. We have fished for sheepshead here for fifteen years and never came close to tangling a leader on the mooring line. All a person needs to do is stick the rod out over the spot you want and let the bait down into the water and wait a few minutes for a fish to bite the bait. The tackle stores love the folks who donate so much expensive gear to the fishing gods.

Anyway the tides are way lower than the OFM expected today and stayed low all day. We have no idea why. There was about eighteen inches less water than normal today. Normal tide change in this area is about twelve inches max. Being as it is a weekend the OFM did not fish since lots of folks were in town fishing.

While meandering the harbor area we got a nice pic of one of the palms that survived the freezes and is putting out new growth.

It got the OFM to look at other plants here in the harbor area and lots of the survivors of the freezes are vigorously putting out new growth. With all the new growth the area should be looking decent by the end of the summer.

And now the important news. The OFM has recovered from the income tax trauma and got himself started on an art project again, AND IT FEELS GOOD!

We chose to do one of the adult coloring book pages that left us a lot of room to add to the painting lots of stuff that we like in a desert picture. As we worked on it, it was more obvious that the OFM had forgotten a few techniques and was more rusty on the colored pencil work than he thought. But the techniques came back quickly even if the erasers had a bigger workout than we wanted them to have. Here is a first round of coloring of a small clip of the whole painting.

It is wonderful to know that next year the OFM WILL NOT waste three weeks of his ever shortening life on the taxes and just gather the evidence and let the Tax Folks do their work and we will stay out of the way.

Now we will get back to trying to have tooooo much fun again.


  1. Guilty as one who keeps the tackle stores (WM's fishing aisle) in bizniss. That sure looks like my yellow popping cork in your pic. Don't tell anyone.

  2. Sago palm --Not really a palm its a cycad.
