Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Today's Date: 3-31-2022
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We got Sierra parked at the main boat ramp parking lot in preparation for a tour of the Nature Trail. After running the camera through a set of remembering how to do it practices we were ready to get busy. The Nature Trail starts at the far NW corner of the ramp parking lot and runs out on a finger of territory for a few hundred yards. It is a nice set up with big 360 degree views everywhere.
There are a few nice timber steps to get you from the parking lot down to the trail level and easy walking after that. We entered the trail and noticed that it was all severely dried out except for a very few spots of plain dried out. A lot of the vegetation looked like it will not survive for next year.
Here is a picture of a prickly pear cactus dried very badly. Those pads should be three quarters of an inch thick this time of the year instead of being all dried out.
We walked hopefully to find clusters of surviving plants here and there in case some rain actually falls in time. Nearly none were found. This was the best looking of the tail cactus type of plant we saw.
We traveled the entire trail searching for hope and almost all the way back to the start we finally found one one inch blossom trying its best to do good.
We do hope some proper moisture comes in in time to keep some of the roots alive and have the Nature Trail survive. It is one of the better ones we have seen in our travels. And in the past has been a pretty good place for trying to have tooooo much fun with a camera.