
Gentle Day Again


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 7-12-2021

A decent day and a decent walk went together nicely. The OFM just piddled with learning more art stuff. Maybe some day he will turn out a picture worth seeing.

Late this afternoon we had about thirty minutes of horribly heavy rain. It may have been the hardest rain the Teams have experienced. Naturally parts of the campground got some minor flooding but it was draining well soon.

The west Texas header picture was taken from the lookout in the Davis Mountains State Park. The Teams are dreaming of some of the wonderful times we have had out there in the past.

That's about it for today. It was a very gentle day of trying to have toooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. A gentle day is a nice day as far as I am concerned. !Squinting at the moment, trying to live through the eye dilation for my cataract removal eval.) Thanks for the location on the view in the header. I used to work outside Ft Davis, commuting (ha long commute) and have visited often but have never actually taken the trail....I do love it out there. But think I have said that already.
