
Dead Digital Zoom


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 7/22/2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Yep it has been an eventful day. As we rounded the curve near where a slough comes from Flint Creek and goes to the campground to handle rainwater, they attacked with a vengeance. They are seldom in the area but today they were ready for battle. But the OFM has lots of experience fighting the devils and we knocked them around and got away from the area. Mosquitoes of course, were the evil critters.

Back to finishing the 3 mile walk, the OFM was feeling ready to get finished. The Castle was only a half mile away and was a welcome sight.

After the morning resting we went back out to chase a few pictures for tonight. We got pics over there and over here and yonder a bit. Suddenly the OFM realized the camera was not working correctly. We headed back to the Castle to do the trouble shooting with computer access to help.

About four hours later we had done everything suggested in the internet sites including doing a total re-format of the camera. The camera zoom is a mechanical 8x zoom and a digital zoom taking it to 32x power. The digital zoom is dead. So now we will work with this a few days or so and see how well it works.

To test that the camera still works we went out this evening to the flower bed near the office and took three pictures of the flowers. They were just fine and have been edited a bit for the blog tonight, Please enjoy the flowers.

We hope you enjoyed the flower show. Tomorrow we will find out how much a replacement camera would cost. In the mean time everyone please try to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Always great pics. You sure know how to work your camera busted zooms or not.

  2. Well yes, that was a good flower show. So the camera is doing a pretty good, or better than pretty good, jub as it is.

  3. Especially like the last photo. Wow! Some years ago I dealt with comers and memory sticks. Still have them, but don't know if I could
    remember how to use them. Got lazy when I started using iPhones.

  4. Thanks for the flowers, Barney. I also enjoyed the Hibiscus at the end.
    Had those in front of our house, growing up, until Dad mowed them down - Mom was mad :(
    Hope the camera continues to provide us with great glimpses of your fun days.

  5. It was always the mechanical zoom that went bad on the point and shoot cameras I used. You camera still takes great photos!

  6. I like the brilliant pink of that middle flower picture. Not that I don't like all of them but wow that pink!

    I've been taking of pictures of things to sell on Craig's list so am currently impressed with my old iPhone's ability to zoom just by pinching the screen. And my shaky pictures don't look shaky which is doubly impressive. :)
