
Crazy Mail Tracking


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Adventure Date: 1-12-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

Today started out very blah at best. It was too cold for an OFM walk, so we went to the Beach Park just to get outside some. The camera went along because any decent blogger ALWAYS has a camera with him.

Sure enough we noticed something we had not paid attention to in the past. A bicycle rack at the first pavilion caught our attention. Check out this appropriately shaped bike rack for a fishing area.

Back at the Castle the OFM checked on a package that was running late being delivered. According to the tracking it was still in California for four days and would finally get shipped out this way tomorrow. But we were in for a major surprise. It came in the mail TODAY. It was a wonderful surprise because it turned the Teams loose to make travel reservations for our next travels. And make reservations we certainly did.

The first place was Falcon State Park. We wanted two weeks and when the website finally let us check things, there was only four sites available that fit our preferred schedule. So as quickly as the OFM could do his one finger typing, we scheduled our two weeks. That will be a nice place since it normally is 8-10 degrees warmer in the winter than Rockport.

Since we were on a hot good luck streak, we solidified the reservations in north Alabama for our grand kid part of this loop. Now we have the start of the loop and the end of the loop reserved for the Teams and it feels really good.

Now we have mail en-route to us here in Rockport but there is nothing in it to get in the way of rolling January 21.

Finally getting things organized and going our way is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Hi Barney. I tried enlarging the photo to see what that structure is out behind it. Is there a pier out there somewhere?

    1. It is the gathering platform for the gas wells out in the bay.

    2. I wondered about that too.

  2. Love the idea of trying to have toooo much fun. What a great goal.

  3. That is definitely a fitting bicycle rack even in the cooler temperatures.
    Making travel plans for warmer temperatures is always a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!.

    It's about time.
