
Sierra Gets Old


Adventure Location: Falcon State Park, Texas

Adventure Date: 1-30-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

We got in a nice two plus miles of walking today with part of it in a section we had not yet been to this visit. A bit of trail was attempted but the extremely heavy dew set was getting the OFM's shoes wet so we ducked back to on the road.

At the end of the cabins and large picnic area is a fence to keep visitors out of the Dam property. They originally had just the barbed wire fencing but some vandals a couple of years ago pulled a bunch of it down. The new wire even has nice new signs identifying the area.

After the fencing repair they hauled rocks in for a few months to put a better physical barrier to vehicles busting into the area. Those rocks run down to a point that at full lake level has them several feet below the surface of the lake. We could not see just how far the rocks stopped from the low water level.

It was not a cool day out here today. It has been a pretty warm “winter”. Our thermometer is kept in the shade on the picnic table so it does not get any solar direct heating.

But check out his reading taken about 1530.

And one more big event. Sierra turned 100,000 miles this afternoon. Here is a pic of the odometer just before we took Sierra to town.

We do not know exactly where it will lead to but the water color pencils and colored pencils started a new page in the cactus coloring book today. We are fairly sure it will lead to a nice time of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Reading your blog every day, I would say there's more miles on you than the truck.


  2. It seems like we wonder how we drove all those miles but then we realize they were done while having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Colouring Book.

    It's about time.
