
Evening Stroll


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Adventure Date: 1-8-2021

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During the OFM health walk for old folks today we passed by the soon to be in use bird nesting area of the Rockport Beach Park. Apparently the caretakers have been busy grooming the area for the birds and their nests. It showed that grassy areas had been mowed and dead grass mounds were gone. Some of the sand areas had been dragged to smooth them out.

Here is a picture of one of the areas so you can see what a decently ready area looks like. In a few weeks this will be covered with mating birds and soon after baby birds all over the place.

People are asked to stay out of the area during nesting time. Most folks do as they should but there are occasional idiots in the area.

This is also the area where the Christmas decorations are displayed. There is a big loop through the area that had the decorations set up so you could stay in your vehicle to see the decorations. The little shack at the entry had some nice decorations but one of the decorations the OFM thought was a great idea.

A colorful plate wrapped in clear plastic like a hard candy was really cute. If it were real it would be a heck of a mouthful for sure.

We came back in the later evening for a good walk and was charmed by this long married couple out for an evening stroll on the beach. Maybe romance is not dead yet after all.

That certainly looks like a great way to finish a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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