
Thin Air??

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:July 27, 2018
Click a pic to enlarge it.

On this day it was a warm still walk along Flint Creek. The OFM was approaching a trail bench where there is sometimes a nice breeze off the water. As he approached a pretty leaf hurried down to claim a seat and rest. The warm day must have made the air thinner since the leaf seemed to fall faster than normal.

We did notice that the leaves from the shrubbery in the area seems to be falling a bit early this year. Could it be the extra hot weather we had a month of recently causing the early downfall.

The Teams voted to let you know what is going on now.  The departure date was decided with a family conference a couple of days ago. The OFM is being forced to get a bit busy with all the little neglected chores that need to be done before we roll out on August 5. We decided on a four day trip to do the 995 miles. That will,hopefully, be an easy trip in the heat.

An example of troubles that come along is a missing clip for one of the towing mirrors. The OFM figured out a way to make do but it would have been nice to just have the correct item instead. We have been sitting here for a bit over three months and things have gotten moved sometimes. But all that goes along with the  wonderful RV life of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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