
TEXAS Cooking

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:July, 2018
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Twenty more days until we roll again. It will be wonderful. The current jello plan is to get to Rockport and try to set up with the VA in Corpus Christi for medical care if the OFM ever needs any. The stay in Rockport is planned to be until the end of December. The best fishing runs from late September until just before Christmas. That is how the length of stay was chosen. That gives us a few days to chose what to start 2019 like.

This area is deep south and there is plenty of good cooking in the restaurants but it is no TEXAS cooking. The OFM chose today for some of his non-standard chili to be attempted. It is on the stove right now simmering. He is way to lazy to make it from scratch although he does a lot of head scratching trying to figure out what to do next.

Here it is with rice, onions, chopped tomato, canned chili, power pooter pinto beans, KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce, fresh ground black pepper all cooked slowly in a 3 quart pot.

In the mean time he got in two nice 2 mile walks, a nap of great value and some paper wasting. The entire Teams member are really looking forward to a lot of coastal shore time. The OFM is studying up on jetty fishing.  He has never done much jetty fishing and is planning to change that history. We will find out what really happens in a few more weeks.

Just went and stirred the chili and tasted it.   MMMMMM GOOD.

The paper wasting was fun again. This one is done with cheap Walmart oil pastels but on good Strathmore paper.

Tomorrow is a total mystery as to what that Old Fool Man is going to be doing in the way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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