
He Went Crazy

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:July, 2018
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The Teams were certain the OFM had gone completely nuts this morning. He rolled out of bed at 0630 exhibiting too much energy for him. Soon the pancakes and peanut butter were eaten and he went to WORK. He said his goal today was to do a SEVERE cabinets clean out of items not used within the last year. 

Then as another thought, he decided to bring down the supply of clothing to a 12 day supply. The rest was leaving the Castle. His feeble amount of cold weather clothing was exempted.

And ZOOM things were flying into plastic trash bags and boxes. Three bags of soft goods and two copier paper size cardboard boxes of hard goods were loaded into the back of Sierra. When the dump station run was finished, the OFM sat down at the table to regroup and rest a minute. It was 0745 is all. We all knew this was going to be a day of interesting experiences and it was.

Then he uttered some scary words.....”that was a good start”. What could be next? He carefully went through the closets next. Good grief he was really serious. Every pair of pants and every shirt hanging was pulled out and evaluated for retention. Then the clothing in baskets in the bathroom closet were counted and evaluated. The winners were repacked and the rest was bagged in old Walmart bags. The bath closet is pretty good sized double door model. Then every item in the closet was pulled out and evaluated. Some went back in and some went to the disposal bags. It was a surprise how much stuff was a duplicate that we did not know about.

This went on through the kitchen where the skillet with a lid and a pot with lid went into the “Get Out’ bag. He kept on moving like a possessed man with a dastardly purpose on his mind. He made another pass through the bedroom cabinets and closet. then the dining room cabinets got a second going through. All this stuff was carried to the back of Sierra. The four bags of stuff said good by to us at the dumpsters.

And then he rested. It was 1020 is all. That was the end of the clean out effort for today. It was massive and much more needed than my wildest guess.

Here is a look at a cabinet that used to be so crammed with stuff seeing the green readout for the battery voltage was at times very difficult. By the way that plastic cabinet is office supplies and was given to the OFM 50 years ago when he was 12 years old.

This is the wall cabinet that is critical when boondocking since we get the battery readout in here and check it against the note stuck on the plastic cabinet to know what the status is on the battery charge.

The OFM announced that tomorrow we will be trying to have tooooo much fun by cleaning out the three outside compartments. 

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