
Castle Door Exploded

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:July 31, 2018
Click a pic to enlarge it.

The day started one direction then suddenly in the afternoon turned 180 degrees back to where it started. The morning was busy with things happening for the impending travel. The OFM had a sort of unsettled feeling and decided to assume the horizontal for some relaxing and consideration about the foggy plans in his head.

One hour goes by.

He suddenly stirred and thought “now I know what the question is”. What the question was is not important.  A bit of computer research on a couple of issues was accomplished. The information was suddenly clear. So while lunch was eaten, a couple of details were looked up on the internet. The proper answer was staring us right in the forehead.

WE NEEDED ABOUT SIX MORE WEEKS HERE. More family time and cooler weather were the answer to the concerns. So KABOOM the Castle door exploded open and the OFM went to the office. 

May we stay for another month or two? And Kellie, a really sweet lady, checked the computer and said “YES”. If you ever come to Point Mallard Campground in Decatur, Alabama you will be impressed with how nice Kellie is. So we are scheduled until Labor Day with an exact future extension to be announced later.

Now we have plenty of time to take care of some personal business and have more family fun. And having family fun is about the best way we know of for having tooooo much fun.

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