
Harvest Soon

Adventure Location:Decatur, Al.
Adventure Date:July, 2018
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We hit the morning trail a bit before 0800 and it was not cool at all. The trail this morning was along Port Mallard Drive and the golf course. Then right onto the paved walking path that goes around the golf course. The OFM was hip gimpy this morning so we were making moderate time along the path. 

After a few hundred feet a pleasant older gentleman caught up with us and we visited until he turned left onto the gravel path that borders the shoreline. He was ten years older than the OFM but had no knee or hip troubles. When he turned off we said our Howdys and away he went.

We turned back at this point because we were at the one mile point and the OFM was having moderate pains in his hip now.  So a couple of swallows of water to replace the voluminous sweat and back we headed.

On the way back to the road were lots of bushes and other growth. A close look revealed our next crop of edible fruit in progress. The blackberries of a couple of weeks ago have been all harvested by the two legged and four legged critters of the area. Now we are ready for the next crop harvesting.

These wild grapes back in East Texas make very good wine and jams. We bet these will do the same for the energetic.

The heat was making a major up tick in the humidity misery so we did not dawdle for long any place on the return mile. By the time the OFM got to the Castle he was drenched like he had gone crick swimming. A quick “cold” water shower certainly was welcome. Today it took us 45 minutes for the two miles with the hip pains. Our pain free walking usually runs a little over three miles an hour, but not when gimpy is the mode.

Morning walks can be a nice way of trying to have tooooo much fun early in the day.

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