

Adventure Location: Fulton, TX
Adventure Date: 1/29/2018

The last two days the OFM did a little walking around including casting lures and swinging golf clubs. It did not take long to hit his physical limit. Today he decided to walk gently until a part of his body hollered “uncle”. The first stop was the Rockport Beach which for now is the scene of the largest congregation of huge mosquitoes ever. That did not last long and off Sierra took us north.

Our next stop was the Fulton Harbor. The big difference is the Fulton Harbor doesn’t have marshland all around it. During our lengthy stop there only two mosquitoes came into play. The goal was walk to the point that a body part says stop and stop. There will not be any “pushing it” until full healing is evident.

Sierra parked near the breakwater and the weather was wonderful. Check out the 64F weather.

The OFM got strolling and away we went. This was not meandering but walking for exercise. There is a major difference. We walked along the breakwater and then along the street and then near the boats. In other words we walked all over the place but never really far from Sierra. The OFM kept on changing the scenery so he did not get bored with repetition.  At one point we passed near the destroyed fishing pier and the water was beautiful clear green. In warm weather it would have been full of speckled trout.

After forever the OFM was starting to have conversations with his calves and thighs, so we cut over closer to Sierra on the next pass. Sure enough the conversation came to a halt as did the OFM. He hopped into Sierra and we headed for the Castle. It turned out it was not a long walk but it was all that the OFM could comfortably do.

Back at the Castle we used Google maps to measure the distance and it was only .95 miles. It seemed a good bit longer than it was but that shows you how degraded two weeks of viral infection can take you down.

So now we have an important task at hand of rebuilding the OFM’s ability to move around so we can get rolling. We bet he can turn that into a way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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