
Beach Improvements

Adventure Location:  Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12/20/17

Sierra had an appointment with the vehicle doctor today to take care of a recall on its “electric power steering”. We got there right on time this morning. The dealer was busy but prompt and we were reprogrammed and gone 43 minutes later.

So here we are on the road way before we thought we would be.  Now what---of course we meander! Our first stop was Cove Harbor. It caught a major hit from Hurricane Harvey. We stopped by to see how the boat clean up is going. It is going but that is one unreal pile of boats yet to be cleared.

However one guard in the boat launch area was very alert and ready for action.

The cleaning table guard was wide awake and carefully eyeballing everything that that came near. Don’t mess with this guard, you would regret it.

The meandering for a while was not productive of blog topics, but when we got to the Rockport Beach that changed. It was a bright sunny bikini type day. Quite a few folks were out beaching around and enjoying the sunshine and salt air.

Others were out playing in the water having a grand old time this Christmas week. Still others were out paddling paddle boards and kayaks from the beach front. These two folks were steady at it the whole time the Teams were meandering around inside the park.

The beach crew was very busy setting tall new poles for something. They were steadily moving dirt and and pouring concrete.

We asked at the entrance when the park is scheduled to open to full service again vs this restricted free entry we have right now. The answer: Hopefully some time in January.

The beach park is definitely a good location for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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