
A Smashing Time

Adventure Location:  Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 12/156/2017

After that picture of the good looking woman in yesterday’s blog, today’s content will be quite a smash we are certain.

The Teams were out meandering with the OFM Camera just collecting future blog material for our fun. Just before lunch time we decided to check on a friends new shade shelter on her new home. We pulled into the drive way and she and a few others the Teams know were busy working. The Teams helped by staying out of the way.

A couple of doors down from here is a lot that had a badly damaged mobile home on it. Hurricane Harvey had done a bad number on it. The authorities had gotten the old home pulled out and put next to the road. Then a new home was put into place and hooked up. Now there was time to wait on the big clean up. That was several weeks ago around the first of November.

There has been so much clean up to do in the area that priorities were assigned and the trash pile awaits it turn. The OFM has been very pleased at the continuous good performance of the clean -up effort.

Today was that old mutilated mobile home’s turn to be cleaned up. It was about a 16x60 that had huge holes punched through it by falling trees. In just a few minutes the crane had the walls down and all the topworks above the frame piled up and veing loaded into the debris truck.

The OFM went back to Sierra and grabbed the camera just in time to get this shot of the debris being loaded. That operator was good at it and moved a lot of trash in a hurry.

The OFM turned away to talk to his friend. With in seconds a loud crash bag happened in the street. Everyone looked back to see the equipment operator grab the frame of the former mobile home and fold it up like an old cereal box. Then he folded it a few times more until it was a wad of junk steel. He used the equipment to carry the former large massive frame over to the pile that was waiting for the debris truck to return.

Then the equipment operator went to work smoothing out the ditch and road shoulder to be smooth and ready for grass to be allowed to grow. The OFM casually meandered over to the squashed frame for this good bye picture.  

It may have been just our imagination but it seemed that the operator had a big grin on his face while smashing this stuff into little pieces. We were wondering if he was trying to have tooooo much fun.

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