
Morning Walk

Adventure Location:  Rockport,Texas
Adventure Date: 11/30/2017

A little bit brisk is the description for this early morning on the bay. But by an hour after sunrise it was tee shirt weather the rest of the day and evening. The OFM had the idea he would walk a big loop at the beach park this morning. It turned out to be  small loop around the bird refuge section and the saltwater swimming area. We started at  the old wood pier and a walk out to the end of it and back to the parking lot.

That pier was a very inviting friendly pier this morning. 

From the pier we looped over to the Allegro Channel jetty and out to the end an back. Then a speedy meander around the salt water swimming area. When that meander got to the channel again we turned left and made our way around the large bird sanctuary area to the entry road. From there we meandered through the parking lot and hither and yon until we got back to the truck. 

By then the OFM had some loudly complaining joints so we held a bench down for a few minutes. No we do not know how far we walked. The current object is to walk as far as we can until the pain is enough then quit.

However this morning, it was so beautiful that the fishing pier called the OFM back onto it to do some fishing. The fishing rod had already gone onto the pier to wait for us.

It jumped up with joy and landed in the OFM’s hand and away we went to try our luck. We did catch one undersized speckled trout. It went back into the water to grow up. After an hour or so of fishing in the wonderful weather the OFM wanted to leave.

About this time three nice ladies came onto the pier to fish and we talked about the area for a while. They were here for their first time so the OFM flapped his lips for a good while. It was a nice interlude before we left for the Castle.

Incidentally the camera managed to take some more pictures for future blogs. All in all it was a great cool bright morning for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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