Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Timed Challenge


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: February 9, 2024

The morning started earlier than expected but that was the time the OFM was ready to get up and get busy. He has been considering several things to rid the Castle of carrying since we haven't used them in a couple of years. So they were gathered together and moved to the dumpsters during our random walk.

Our random walk meandered wherever we could stay out of the cold damp wind. When we finished the dumpster trips we found that we had covered a bit over two miles of good aerobic walking with short breaks to gather more junk to take to the dumpster. It was aerobic enough he ended up taking a shower before we went to lunch to meet lunch time Jerry.

After lunch we each headed to their personal chore land to take care of chores waiting for us. The OFM chores revolved around colored pencils.

The OFM used to go to local art fairs to see the pro and semipro folks have fun in contests, The one we liked best was the one hour blank sheet to finished product in one hour challenge. It always surprised the OFM how much difference there was downward in the one hour pics vs the do your best work. So we tried a small 4x6 and extremely shortly found out how fast the artist had to work on even a small simple subject. And the OFM did not even have to generate the basic drawing like the real artist had to do in the contests. Anyway here is what we did in our allotted time of 60 minutes and quit.

That is some pretty rough coloring on that paper. Our normal time for a coloring on a scene that simple and easy would likely be well over 20 hours as a minimum. Good Grief those folks back then were good!!!!!

Perhaps this next subject will show what the OFM means about needing to have an example of what color a professional quality pencil actually produces on the paper instead of what color it looks like on the pencil lead or paint identification splotch. In this photo the yellows were the target color to notice.. Look carefully at the yellow on the swatch and the yellow that is on the pencils. Most of them do not seem to match anything exactly. The paper you are using also modifies the match up to the point the artist frequently has to make note mentally and/or physically as to which pencil did what on this brand of paper.

And one last thing, The OFM seldom leaves the coloring book drawing alone. He seems to always find changes or additions to the original drawing that he JUST HAS TO MAKE.

And he loves doing this coloring as his hobby.

For him it is a great and cheap way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Hi Barney, I think that when you make changes and/or additions it makes it yours, as in no two alike. As long as it keeps the OFM Having Too Much Fun. It is Good. Have you ever had BBQ at Stevie Lews BBQ in Rockport it is just south of Goose Island SP? Take care and be safe.

    1. I did before the first owner died a few years ago. Not since the current operator runs it.
