
Domestic Duties Required


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: February 28, 2024

Today the main exercise was running to get out of the cold rain a few times we tried to be out and about. First thing this morning after breakfast was to run to the nearby Local Walmart grocery. We had to run in the rain to get inside and run to get into Sierra leaving. Then back at the Castle we unloaded the groceries in a light rain. This was not a wonderful beginning.

The temps were dropping heading for near freezing tonight then mid fifties tomorrow. So the Teams did the usual and prepared more stoup for suppers. And as usual the stoup was different than the picture we took of the original plan.

But as usual it turned out great with the added ingredients and based on a Knorr dry mix. We now have another three meals in the freezer for a current total of ten meals available. Who says the OFMan cannot cook?

Not only that, we can do laundry when it needs doing. Which was this afternoon. So we grabbed the necessary items and headed to the campground laundry.

The running time for a wash and dry is about an hour and the laundry stays pretty clean all the time. Total coins cost was $2.50. Soon back at the Castle we had everything back in its place and we did not get rained on coming or going to the laundry room.

And that is how domestic duty for this RVer went today.

We hope everyone has a good time trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow. Good Night.


  1. And no one was IN the laundry. Amazing.

    1. I seem to manage to get there at the right time most often. There is only about 215 campsites here that use the laundry room.

  2. Hi Barney, wow you had a busy yet productive day of cooking and cleaning. I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where it is a balmy 2 above zero this AM and I am wishing I was in Port Aransas. Maybe next fall I can get my wheels rolling. Take care and be careful having too much fun.
