
Dark Excitement


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: February 22, 2024

We got in a nice walk today sort of by accident and it ended up being about 2.5 miles. It started with a walk over to the main dumpsters to drop some meat waste to get it away from the Castle area. Then the path looped around part of the golf course and near the big drainage for the golf course back into the river. The day was being so nice we just kept on walking around to the back of the campground and wiggled around here and there in the nice morning atmosphere until we returned to the Castle. No rhyme or reason just nice walking in the area.

Grocery shopping did happen and six bags of food followed us home to make the OFM smile.

But there was a little excitement this evening when we came back to the campground right after dark. As we turned down the darkish road to our campsite we saw a blob in the road in the headlights of Sierra. Since we could not quite make it out we slowed and stopped.

In a couple of minutes the object started to move. It was a lady carrying a child in arms trying to force another very small and resistant child to get out of the road in the dark. They had a bit of “conversation” and finally moved to the side of the street. As we started to move on, what should appear in our headlights is another small kid on a beginner bike riding right down the center of the one lane road into our headlights. We stayed stopped as mommy screamed to the kid on the bike to get out of the road. The kid kept on headed straight for Sierras front center of the bumper even though we were stopped. About five feet from our bumper of the not moving Sierra, mama finally was able to divert the biker kid to miss Sierra and go onto the shoulder gravel and fall clear. So we eased out of there and disappeared around the bend in the road. If we see a small kid with a bandaged butt tomorrow we bet we know why it has the “special” clothing accessory.

Meanwhile no blood shed so we are all OK.

Every one have a nice evening and rest well tonight.


  1. Oh geez. I'd start going to the grocery only in the daylight.

    1. I know the guy in charge of setting fresh vegetables etc and he finishes about 1000 in the morning so I normally get there about 0930 to get the best of the best.

  2. Many CGs have signs posted, saying no Bike riding after dark, just to prevent accidents.
    No Blood Letting is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
