
Tree on Crutches


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Adventure Date: 1-10-2021

Click the picture to enlarge.

A quick early morning run to Walmart for some needed food items in the cold damp weather went very well until we got to the door to head across the parking lot to Sierra. It was now COLD RAIN. We got into Sierra without too much wetness and headed home. Here is what the rest of the day was like rain wise.

When we went into Walmart, Sierra was saying the temperature was 55F. By the time we got back to the Castle ( ten minutes) Sierra was reporting 46F. So the front arrived while we were gathering food inside Walmart.

Late in the afternoon the Castle's walls were imploding on the Teams so we went for a ride to the beach park just to get outside. We rode the park road all the way to the end. Along the way the wind started blowing heavily and rocking Sierra like it was a new baby. When we were near the fishing pier we pulled into the flooded parking area and grabbed this picture.

No people were on the beach, play ground, picnic area or fishing pier. Not a surprise considering the cold strong wet wind.

A little farther into the park we saw this cluster of several birds. Seagulls, pigeons, and Black Skimmers were some of the models of birds in the pack. The Black Skimmers usually arrive just about nesting time.

On the way back out we paused at the fish cleaning station. Check out the picture of the station.

Notice that there are no gulls or pelicans waiting. That means that no fish have been brought in and cleaned today. Maybe the weather has something to do with that, ya thunk.

And the OFM finally remembered to grab a picture of the old palm tree in the picnic area. It has seen a lot of years of weather and now has to have crutches to keep on standing.

The rain finally stopped in very late afternoon. But we still found a few ways during the day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Brrr. Snowed here, and a nice one. Friend in Austin said it snowed there too, so if it was that close to you, you lucked out this time. Glad you got your foodstuffs in. But of course, by tomorrow, it should be pretty nice down there......

  2. Glad you're keeping warm and fairly dry. I noticed the fish cleaning dock appears to be touching water. Looks like you still found a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
