
Lots Of Campground Traffic

Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: March 29, 2018
Click the picture to enlarge it

There has been a lot of traffic coming through the campground today. Most of it is folks looking for lake access. We have lake access just fine only the water is a mile and a half tromp through the desert brush. If the lake is full about a third of the campsites are waterfront. But the lake is over twenty feet low now.

We guess they traffic is folks scouting for the Easter weekend follies. The other four campgrounds on the lake have some water access at the campground. We bet those will be a madhouse at best.

Speaking of Easter weekend, the Teams are planning on rolling on Saturday with hopes of being in New Mexico Sunday evening after the crowds have moved on. The general goal is Mr. Boondork land for a nice visit with him again. He has a wonderful unique sense of humor.

The OFM has been wasting paper again. This time he started with colored pencils again and within a few minutes he knew once again that they were definitely wrong for anyone with arthritic fingers. They now have a new home. This bit of wasted paper was finished with watercolor pencils that seem to work well if you use them correctly. The OFM is still learning as you can see from all the errors of commission.

Here is the picture of the moment.

When all else fails just waste some paper and make it a successful day of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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