
Desert Flowers

Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 03/06/2018

The variety of flowers that bloom in the West Texas desert is wonderful. On the nature trail the Teams were finding a new flower frequently and spring season is just beginning. Sometimes even the rocks have “blooms” of gold. This is a gold growth on a rock next tot he trail. Lots of other rocks around the area have the same kind of gold growth. Alas it is fields full of gold.

While the OFM was squatted down getting the rock gold picture, he noticed this very delicate and pretty flower.

The picture does not do it justice. The multitude of colors was huge but the delicacy of the flower did not really show in the picture. A magnifying glass to view it would have been nice. 

The mesquite trees are starting to explode all over the place. Their aghh-choo ability runs very high but the OFM still loves to view them and enjoy their fragrances. 

Off course the prickly pear is standing forth with the new thorns in abundance. Being careful around these new borns is important since they can stay inside your body when they break off. Cutting your body open to get the burning pain producing thorn remnant out is not a fun procedure for sure.

This looks like it will be a good year for yucca blooms. There are lots of them in the area that are well into forming up for the explosion of flowers soon. We found this one right next to the road coming into the campground where we are camped. Fresh yucca blooms have a luminous quality we have come to really enjoy.

Chasing fresh flower pictures in the desert is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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