
Looking For Paradise Again

Adventure Location: Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: March, 2018
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We have been piddling around for a few days trying to make something worth blogging about happen. Finally a tidbit has happened. Night before last we had the Castle shut up tight and heat going strong to keep us warm. Then last night we had the windows open and the fans going to keep the OFM sweating to a minimum. And here it is mid afternoon and SUMMER is in full force.

The OFM got to checking the wheel bearings on the Castle and decided that it was time for a repack since we had an excellent service location nearby. We are also needing to piddle around in the area until after the weekend to let the Spring Break crowd dissipate into the population centers. 

So a stop at Arc-rite here in Del Rio got us a first thing Tuesday appointment for a Castle wheel bearing repack and a brakes exam. The brakes are not having any trouble but it is a good idea to check them after nearly 200000 miles of service. When the brakes are viewable for exam, if anything needs maintenance it will also be done. The leaf springs system will also get a close checkout.  When we leave here we want eveything to be in great shape on the Castle because we are heading to New Mexico to teach Sierra about mountain climbing.
Where in NM you might ask, but probably not. Well here it is anyway. The target area is the part of NM that is inside the red line. We have been in there before and it is a neat area with a few thousand square miles left for us to explore and only five weeks to do it.

The OFM guarantees that we will not have any trouble finding something in that area for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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