Adventure Date: 12/26/17
The OFM was worn down by 2017 and plans to fight back to great form during 2018. We saw some ferry bumpers that looked like the shape he is in. These are thick steel cylinders that are hung around the pilings to protect the pilings from damage when the ferry rams the piling group. A piling group is known as a dolphin.
This one is located right next to the docking equipment and we would expect it to get banged around. That is the rub rail of the adjacent ferry in the background.
This one is out at the channel. The ferry ought to be under full control by the time it gets to this point in the trip. However you can see that it still gets rammed a good bit.
As mentioned in a previous blog entry, 2018 is planned to be a year of less planning and lots less of sitting in one spot for very long, except for July through September which is Grandkids time. We will be in Decatur for that time. Where we plan on a major bit of trying to have tooooo much with the grandkids.