
Preparations For The Weekend Craziness


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 5-25-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

After the early morning cool walk the OFM got showered and presentable to the general public so we could go to the grocery store for fruit and vegetables. We were surprised that none of the shoppers ran off screaming when we walked into the store. We usually scare older folks making them think the Grim Reaper has come for them.

Today the shopping went very well. We were checking out getting a medium sized watermelon to bring home. Watermelons are generally too large for the Castle's refrigerator and have to be cored out immediately on arrival back at the Castle. The melons were just under $6. Hmmm. Those containers of fresh melon in the cooler box nearby were big enough to hold FOUR OFM size servings and cost just over $6. WOW and we do not have to hassle with chopping up some of the watermelon and taking the remaining part down to the dumpsters for disposal. So we bought the container and it fit just right in the refrigerator.

We will be looking more carefully at that fresh cut up fruit more closely in the future.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in art studies and it was great fun. Several new techniques were attempted, then attempted again after rereading the instructions. Finally the OFM started to understand. Here is a picture of part of the study effort that we were working on.

And suddenly it was supper time. OOPS now what to fix. Well it turned out to be easy. 1 and ½ pork chops were cubed and cooked. A package of Knorr Red Beans and rice were added along with some chopped bell pepper and onions. Everything was cooked according to the instructions on the package and came out really well. Add a glass of cheap root beer and it was a wonderful meal.

The Decatur hot air balloon fest is this weekend and is held in Point Mallard Park. Also the Point Mallard Water Park opens this weekend. This promised to be a wild LOUD weekend. We will just have to hide in the Castle until it is over. The campground will be over occupied with lots of families visiting friends and relatives every day from can til can't.

We figure we will get in an early morning walk on those days, while the hangovers from the night before are still keeping the folks quiet at their camper. It will be interesting trying to have tooooo much fun for these four days.


  1. Will the balloons be going over your place? Or just people showing up to go somewhere to see them. When I lived out in the country, once or twice hot air balloons came over. The noise scared the horses! That burner going off....cows didn't seem to mind as much.

    1. The balloons launch spot is right behind a tree line west of my trailer a couple of hundred feet. IF you can tell me which way the wind will blow on the days they launch, then I will be able to figure out if they will come over the Castle.

  2. I am amazed at what I've found to buy in the deli section of a grocery store. Lots of good but easy food there. I bought one huge fruit tray that gave me strawberries for the first meal, pineapple chunks for the second meal, grapes for a third meal, and apple slices for two more meals. (Melons don't like me so I gave away those.) What a great way to get variety without spoilage!

    1. Since I am single a lot of items get bad to eat before I can begin to eat the whole purchase.
