
Tree Gone


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 5-02-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

We got on with the morning walk effort about mid morning and the OFM body was agreeing with the effort being made. So we headed for the over 3 miles loop to gain back some ability for walking again. We encountered a few Howdys along the way. Then as we got near the turning point like a few days ago, we were very pleased to see that the maintenance folks had cleared the big tree and smaller tree that was blocking the path.

We easily made the turnaround point and back quite a ways when the OFM had a muscle cramp and we grabbed a seat on the next bench for a bit of a rub down. It worked and we finished the rest of the walk with not trouble FOR US.

However, a biker with a flat tire came walking towards us. We visited for a couple of minutes and found out his flat fixing kit was still on his home workbench MANY miles back across town. He was planning to walking back home with the flat tire. Naturally since the OFM is a worn out biker, he had to offer the services of him and Sierra to carry them back to his home.

He was right. It was a several miles across town to his home but we easily made it and he profusely thanked us.

On the way back home we got to see that the new Whataburger is not yet open for business. That is really important information for the OFM Teams.

This evening it is raining hard to finish off a day of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. You're a great guy, Barney! Always helping others. Take care!

  2. Yes. All those years ago you came to the aid of Billy Bob when he was stuck. You ARE a GOOD GUY. I'm glad to know you,
    Have a good week. It's supposed to hit 90 ere in Texas tomorrow. Too soon!

  3. Anyone heard from Billy Bob?

  4. Exercising and helping someone out while exploring the area sounds like a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the fresh weather.

    It's about time.
