
Knuckle Head


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 5-23-2021

We start the day gathering up stuff to take to the grands today. While we are at it more unused things leave the Castle also.

Then the OFM joints request a late evening walk of gentle persuasion and the rest of the Teams agree. So the OFM spends a nice amount of time today trying out a new technique with colored pencils.

Soon it was time to deliver the grands goods and get in a short visit. We got there in good time. The box of stuff was delivered and about a half hour of visiting happened. Then they needed to get busy packing for a two week vacation down to the beach on the Gulf of Mexico.

The OFM rolled on back home to the Castle and did a little more art work. It was time to do some walking and hopefully get a few pics for tonight's blog. Out the door we went and took a different route since the sun was just right for some shots of an area normally heavily shaded during most of the day. After a good bit of walking we got there to the area. A great scene was waiting for us. The OFM got the camera ready. Piddled with the composition for a minute or so and squeezed the shutter release. Then he checked the picture for any changes it needed. Well, according to the message on the screen we needed the memory card that was still back at the Castle sleeping in the computer.


By the time we made it back to the Castle the sun had gone down too much for going back to try again. Maybe tomorrow.

The good news is that using the phone for internet service is working out really well. The OFM is still learning new things about the phone and how to operate it, but that just keeps him from getting bored.

Maybe we can find something tomorrow for trying to have tooooo much fun, ya thunk.


  1. Well, the poplar blossom in the header is a fine photo, so that's something. Meanwhile, glad you are conquering the internet problem. I am looking forward to the results of all your practice with the art stuff.....

  2. Drat! I'm sorry about that memory card! I used to work with memory cards when I was using my Sony cameras. Had a few uh oh's like yours. Then I got hooked on iPhones. My Sony cameras sleep in my closet. If I were as conscientious as you, I would have donated them long ago! I hope the kids have a happy experience at the beach. And you have happy days with your art.

  3. Thank you for the post & the poplar blossom photo.
    I have never seen one. Pretty.
