
Twist and Turn


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 5-7-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

Along about supper time yesterday a very nasty short lived windstorm came thrashing through the area. We were safe and sane in the Castle and did not worry about it much.

Nothing much happened today until late afternoon when the OFM joints thought it would be OK for a decent walk. To our surprise the joints found a fairly fast pace desirable for the almost three miles of the merry romp in the woods along the water.

What we did not expect was all the destruction in the woods. Very soon after we started the trail there was a tree down across the trail. The mangled stump was just to the right of the trunk.

Well ok, the storm must have knocked it down. Little did we know at that moment that the storm had torn up a lot of vegetation for the next mile of the trail. We turned around at the one mile marker so we do not know how far the destruction went on ahead.

We took several more pictures early in the walk. As it turned out there was three types of destroyed tree left overs.

The first type was the lay down like in the picture above.

Then there was a lot of the ripped out of trees limbs laying about the area like these.

And the third and likely most dramatic was the shattered tree pieces scattered around like this one.

This was frequent all along the first mile of the trail. The OFM's thought was that it would have been very exciting to be on the trail during all the ripping and tearing.

For sure, the OFM Teams would not have thought it was a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Wow. By some stroke of luck I clicked on your blog while checking out another. We live in nearby Cullman. I would say that was some wind gusts we had the other night. Blew stuff around on our front porch. Only lost one limb of one tree. But it was scary. Can't imagine how it felt had we still lived in an RV.

    We are hosts are We had no guests that night. We just had our 38th guest RV leave this morning. Check us out. We love hosting.

  2. Glad the wind blew that Tree away from your camp.
    Dealing with Wind damage is not a good way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
