
Critter Day


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al.

Adventure Date: 5-14-2021

Click the pic to enlarge.

The beautiful cool day was a wonderful improvement to the cooler wet days of the last few days. The walk was long and comfortable with the mid morning bright sunshine putting a different light on many subjects we considered photographing.

But the cutest one was as we passed a small quiet pool in one of the swamp waterways. The OFM glanced down into the water as he strode mightily on his way. Suddenly he stopped and walked back. He was wondering what the dark shape in the water that was slowly moving was doing. It is the dark spot up left a little from picture center.

We closed in a bit closer and finally identified the critter.

That little bream was just floating enjoying living peacefully. We moved on and ended up making a bit over three miles today with nearly no pain. It was a very nice long walk.

Earlier today the OFM went over and forked over a small fortune to stay here another month. The park manager and the OFM had a really good visit. He had bleeding ulcers and was being treated for them. A couple of days ago he had a scope exam and the Dr. says he is still healing and healing very well. That was great news for him. Now he can go back to normal living again.

On the way back from the evening garbage run, the OFM noticed another critter.

Two days ago there was not a sign of a bird nest there on the ladders. Now there was a bird thinking about raising birds sitting in the new nest. NOPE. We can't have that happening because the Castle could be leaving well before any kid birds would hatch and get mobile. So the nest was taken down and the ladder moved so the bird would not try again to nest there.

Then when the OFM sat down to start tonight's blog effort, Chrome had his blog and several others shut down to reading because they might be phishing sites. After an hour of trying to get that mess straightened out, OFM Adventures and all the others that were blocked suddenly started working. Who knows what was going on.

With a little luck we will have a decent night's sleep because tomorrow is grand kids visiting day. We think there is a possibility that we might even try having tooooo much fun.


  1. Yep, I had 2 posts removed, then almost immediately restored. Methinks there must have been a malfunction on their part.

  2. Nice to see creatures of nature taking advantage of the nicer weather.
    Have to agree having Nests attached to an RV is not a good way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Grands.

    It's about time.
