Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Plans Are For Changing


Adventure Location: 

Decatur, Alabama

Point Mallard Campground

Date: June 13, 2023


 No way in the universe is the OFM ready to deflate the tires and sit still forever. Another Rver that is a year older than the OFM had put together a rather nice place to come off the road in Capitan New Mexico and was acclimating to his new lifestyle. We kept on thinking he is not ready to shut down that much and sure enough today he announced major changes in his plans. Rusty 78609 is his site. Check out his site and his new adventure plan. 

Last night as we were contemplating our future, the OFM thought that Rusty was ready for a new plan and here it is this evening. 

Today was a day of miscellaneous things of very little importance except we had a lot of thoughts during the day that we really do not want to stay here past late September before we go somewhere new to play. Our rent ends on about September 15 and the Grandkids will be back in school with very little time for the OFM. So guess what? We are pretty sure that if health is still adequate we will roll also.

Speaking of food, we were talking of food weren't we, here is the picture of the half a baked potato from Lawlers that we had for supper tonight. The OFM bought two of them this evening so we will have plenty to eat for lunch or supper this week.

This was not a good health feeling day but by evening it seems most of the kinks have worked themselves out and we will be full of it tomorrow as we runnnnnn around trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. OFM, do you know how Billy Bob is doing and if he is still on the sunny side? He is how I found your site many years ago.

    1. I have not had any communication with him in years since he moved to Georgia I think it was.

  2. I missed this post about your possible plans. It will be interesting when you start nailing some specifics down.
