Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Foolish Plans


Adventure Location:

Point Mallard Campground

Decatur, Alabama

Date: June 10, 2023

As the OFM was awakening he could tell things were not just right. After the morning necessities, the NOT JUST RIGHT raised its head as a strong migraine attack and we had to reverse direction and settle down to misery for a few hours. The OFM was fortunate enough to be able to get the medicine in him and then fall mostly asleep as the trouble ran its course.

Then a bit before lunch the OFM started to notice he was getting it together a good bit. Most symptoms had moved on and we started to think about if we lived or not. We did.

The morning seemed a lot better now and the normal side effects were quite a bit lesser than normal. So we got on with the day.

The OFM was thinking about his future as an Rver and wondering about how long his body and abilities will allow him to keep rolling at some level. So we have been searching for folks in their 80+ age to see when they chose to quit rolling. Notice that the time is QUIT ROLLING not give up RV life.

Statistics from the Social SecurityAdministration life expectancy site shows that the OFM has a 50 percent chance of living to age 88. After checking several folks about when they quit rolling and re reading a letter from our fantastic RV travel experts down in Texas City, Texas we decided on age 88 as a good planning age for having a serious slow down on the rolling part of RVing. Then we could move in to Point Mallard and grandkid land again until the end comes. So look out folks for the OFM to be out rolling for eleven more years.

Of course we know the style will change as the years pile up on the OFM but we feel this lifestyle fits so well we will stay with it until we just plain can't do it safely any more.

When we checked the camera a few minutes ago we found that this crazy day did not get any pictures taken.

The OFM has found that coloring seashells is not hi favorite style of coloring. So this one tonight is likely the last one he will attempt and give the coloring book away to some with a bit more ability than he has with sea shells.

Here is the seashell coloring in its little bit of glory/

That's it for the exciting day of migraine and aging research. Tomorrow is a new day of trying to have tooooo much fun. Thank goodness.


  1. Glad you got better as the day progressed. Enjoy your day.

  2. We can only keep on keeping on. According to you I may have four more years, but I am not rolling, but feel I could.
    Take care
    the ol'Buzzard

  3. I've looked to Tioga George as a guy living his life the way he wants, the guy from too.
    We all choose our own paths...
