Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Pay Attention To Which Trail To Take Fool


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Point Mallard Campground

Date: June 20, 2023

We made it out of bed decently this morning and got the OFM ready for a walk of 1.5 miles around part of the golf course and along a short part of the Tennessee River. The OFM was feeling decent and the nasty weather was several hours away. As we strode along the first section of the walk things were going good. We made the turn to the loop around the golf course and got to the slough that normally has something to photograph. Up came the camera and as we tried to focus on a nice scene the camera informed the OFM that there was no memory card in the camera. So the OFM politely put the camera in his pocket. There was a couple of nice folks nearby so he did not voice his opinion ot loud about the moron that failed to make sure the camera was ready back at the trailer. So we just carried on with the planned walk. The turn back on the river trail was made. Then a good while later the OFM realized we had turned on the wrong trail. But by now we were closer to our previously planned return route that we jut went on walking. However the OFM knees were objecting so we knew we were overdoing our walk. Anyway we got back to the Castle feeling third class in walking.

After resting and showering we sat down and did the computer distance measurement for what we actually did and it was 3.7 miles with about a mile of rougher trail than was intended. For the rest of the day every time we rested a bit the knees were stiff at startup. So we got better during the afternoon but until late afternoon the cold start of walking after sitting for a while was an interesting effort. Tonight we seem to be recovered but you can be assured the OFM will be more careful on his routing turns in the future. We are not a young 75 any more.

Today we finally decided what to set our site up like since we had several choices available. Here is the picture of the site taken from in the trees behind the site looking toward the campground loop road. The loop is one way right to left as we look at it. All that big square of gravel is available for our enjoyment.

This site is proving to be a first class location especially since it is close to the Office and Laundry.

And now for the special news. We have been worrying about getting the Texas registration sticker for Sierra here before it ran out at the end of June. Well it made it here today and the OFM was very happy. It is now mounted on the windshield so we will be clear of that chore for another year.

And to top it all off nicely the OFM's Social Security was deposited today in his checking account in Washington State so we can eat for another month and run around trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. My SS$$ day is the 4th Wednesday. I started it at 62, that was 8 years ago, they say if you wait until you're 70 to collect your social security you'll get more $$. I got 8 years of doing what I want and that it really something!!
    It fits in really well with the "DON'T WAIT DO IT NOW" thought because life is short.

    1. I started at 62 because there was supposedly a significant number of folks back then that were still alive at 70 to collect but a huge number of them were disabled in some way. Like you I got an extra 8 years of LIVING by taking it at the time I did. By the way I was just turned 61 when I quit working so i had to wait almost a year..
