Morning Peace

Morning  Peace


Nice Day


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Point Mallard Campground

Date: June 15, 2023

The fabulous news is that the OFM slept the whole night without any leg pains for a change. It was wonderful. That means we got out for a nice brisk walk after breakfast. The temps were cool and the sky very pretty blue and clear. A great start to a day we could not have imagined. The walk went along the golf course and Flint Creek later. The whole time you could not ask for better weather and lack of insects .

We grabbed a few pics but this one of a slough coming off Flint Creek shows how nice it was this morning.

There is a lot of green vegetation on top of the water and the OFM was wondering if it might be some sort of pollen since his allergies are giving him fits these days.

The area was one part of the big clean up done in February. This stump did not waste any time getting back into the tree making business did it,

Back in the campground the office folks are putting on a coloring contest for the campers kids for the fourth of July weekend. The kids receive a few sheets of printed outlines to color in and turn in for judging by that weekend. There are some prizes to go to the winners. It seems like a great idea to the OFM but the response has been very little. So the OFM got the idea of coloring one to attempt to get more interest in the contest.

We are hoping have one already colored on the wall will cause some more participation than we are getting now.

We had a big storm and rain blow through this evening. It is still somewhat light outside and the rain has quit. The wind did not get very strong and the rain was only strong a few minutes and then mostly drizzle. That was another good thing.

And the OFM did get in a nice long nap this afternoon also. And that can be an excellent way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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